Penn Law X MGC Coaching Partnership To Support First Generation Law Students

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What does it take for first-generation law students to achieve their dream of becoming lawyers, judges, and policy change-makers?

The path is overwhelming, challenging, and full of implicit and explicit barriers to entry. 

To counter this challenge, the Center on Professionalism at Penn Law is tackling this question head-on with its First Generation Fellowship program.

The program is aimed at breaking down barriers to ease students’ paths into the legal profession by providing them with mentorship and professional skills development to prepare for success in the legal environment.

I am honored to serve as a mentor and coach in partnership with the Center on Professionalism to the first cohort of Fellows in this program. My goal will be to support these brilliant, young, passionate minds as they navigate their legal summer internships. 

I look forward to helping them make the most of their legal experiences as they grow into the lawyers they are destined to become.

Learn more about the program via the link in comments.

#law #equity #diversityandinclusion